Welcome to Beech Class



Classroom organisation:

Beech class is a mixed year group of year 1 and year 2 children. The year groups will be split for Maths and RE. Mrs Elvish teaches year 1 RE.

Staff: Mrs Loftus is the  class teacher and Mrs Isaacs is the full time teaching assistant with Mrs Morley as the Learning Support Assistant.

Level of Work: The Year 1  children will be continuing the EYFS curriculum moving onto the National Curriculum Scheme for Year 1 and this will be differentiated to ensure that all children find their learning stimulating and challenging and supportive at their own individual level.  The year 2 children will be following the National Curriculum.

Seating arrangements: The children will spend short periods on the carpet for whole class teaching, using their whiteboards to ensure active learning, and will be sat in different table groups depending on the task set. There will be a continuous provision approach similar to EYFS (for the year 1 children), encouraging all the children to develop their independence.

Behaviour: There are high expectations for achievement and behaviour. The children will talk about how to be a good member of  Beech Class and what rules we need to follow. If a child uses negative behaviour we use the restorative justice approach in order for them to talk about their behaviour and think of ways to improve it and fix the problem.


Uniform and Daily Routine

Water bottles: Please provide your child with a named water bottle; these will be kept in a tray in the classroom and children can access these throughout the day. Please fill these with water only.

Snack: The children are provided with a healthy snack each day at break time. They will also be given a carton of milk until their 5th birthday. If you would like them to continue having milk please speak to Mrs Stephenson in the office for more details.

PE days: Thursday and Friday afternoons. Please ensure your child comes to school in PE kit on these days. They will remain in their PE kit and shoes for the day.

Reading books and reading record: Please sign your child’s reading record with the date and a short comment. Please try to hear your child read regularly and help them to develop their comprehension skills by asking them about what they are reading. Your child will be given a new book weekly.

Reading Awards: During celebration assembly (every two weeks) two pupils from each class will be awarded Reader of the Week. Their photograph will be placed on the Reader of the Week display board in the main building.

Picking up: Please can you let the office or the teacher know if your child will be picked up by another adult and whether this is regular or a one-off. This will help when dismissing the children.

If you have any concerns or things you would like to discuss then please let the office know and we can get back to you or catch Mrs Loftus at the end of the day.

Thank you for your support.

The Beech Class Team