Information and Duties

Welcome to the Governors section of the school’s website.

The Governors work in partnership with the Headteacher, Clifton Diocese and Somerset Local Education Authority to secure the best possible education for every child in the school.


The Board of Governors has three core responsibilities which are to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction 
  • monitor and evaluate performance, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and leadership team to support and challenge them in running the school
  • oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure money is well spent

In a Voluntary Aided School, the Board of Governors have more specific responsibilities. It falls upon them:


  1. To maintain the original school buildings and grounds (in this case, the Carmelite Order gave buildings which are now the property of the Diocese of Clifton).

  2. To supervise and finance any new extension, structural alteration and external repairs to buildings

  3. To maintain the denominational character of the school.

  4. To appoint teachers committed to the Catholic faith or who are practising Christians in a recognised Christian religion and who support the teachings of the Catholic faith.

  5. To control admissions.

  6. To ensure that the school provides an excellent education that meets the needs of all the pupils.


Headteacher: Mrs D Girton

Chairperson: Mrs Terry Scarfe

Vice Chair: Mrs Kate O'Gara

Foundation:  Mrs Kate O'Gara, (Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Admissions) 

                    Mrs Terry Scarfe (RE link and Admissions)

Staff Representative: Mrs H Ebdon (SEND and Computing)

Clerk to Governors: Mrs S Stephenson