Meet The Governors



Mrs Sara Stephenson - Clerk to Governors

Mrs H Ebdon 
I currently work in Silver Birch Class (year 4 and 5) and have been at Our Lady's for 8 years.  I joined as a staff governor in July 2021.  I am passionate about animals so much so I adopted two ducklings from Apple Class a few years ago and have a dog too.

Mrs T Scarfe - Chair of Governors

Since September 2018 I have become a foundation governor at Our Lady’s and will be working as the RE lead.I  worked  for many  years in Catholic schools as an RE teacher and since my retirement in 2015, I have been working independently in Catholic primaries both in Gloucestershire and Bristol, advising on RE, and helping with chaplaincy teams. I am delighted to be able to share this experience with both staff and pupils in this new role.I am passionate about Catholic education and look forward to helping the pupils make progress both in education and faith, whilst supporting and working with the hardworking staff  here at Our Lady’s .


Mrs K O'Gara