British Values


The Our Lady’s Values are clear to all students, parents/carers, staff and community through its ethos of high expectations and vision.

What are Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s Values?

Respect, Curiosity, Forgiveness, Love, Resilience and Stewardship





All students have an entitlement to be provided with opportunities which allow them to achieve their potential. To ensure they make a valuable contribution as members of their community.


Demonstrate high expectations in a climate of challenge and support based upon Quality Assured accountability.

Student’s development in values is essential in raising standards of attainment for all students and developing depth beyond the academic curriculum through questioning, reflection, discussion and evaluating others viewpoints. Our Lady’s believes that insisting on high expectations and an ethos of respect are an integral part of school life. Together we respect our differences as well as celebrating and embracing our uniqueness. Everyone matters, is valued, cared for and celebrated. Every member of the school has an important positive role to play and contribution to make within the school and the community.

Our Lady’s promotes school wide values which reflect the themes of British Values:

  • Democracy;
  • Rule of Law;
  • Individual Liberty;
  • Mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.



All students are asked to respect each other, and our ethos is promoted by adults modelling behaviours and clear visual prompts.

These British Values are delivered and explored within the JIGSAW PSHE programme, which involves weekly sessions to all classes. Every half term each class focuses on a school value.